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The source is now available on github. If the effects don't appear try: /region flag __global__ effects speed /region   Your current WorldEdit selection is used for the area of the region. Region IDs are case-insensitive. Only one region can exist with a given name (per-world).

Global region worldguard

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Discussion in 'Spigot Plugin Help' started by Dolg, Sep 3, 2017. Dolg. One way to do this is to create a “global region,” which is a region that has no actual physical size. Create global regions with the -g switch on the region creation command: / rg define - g plot_template "With worldguard installed for starters. From what I understand, sometimes with worldguard under the regions config file you may or may not have a __global__ region by default. I feel I had messed up my __global__ region settings that I had had, so I simply deleted the entire __global__ region text from my world regions file. Minecraft Plugin Tutorial - WorldGuard - Global Flags.

The only way to fix was to remove the outer region. * Also for developers; The new com.sk89q.worldguard.protection.util.WorldEditRegionConverter class has some useful static methods to convert to and from WorldEdit's Region and WorldGuard's ProtectedRegion classes.

Klar server 1.8 9 med plugins

Minecraft Plugin Tutorial - WorldGuard - Global Flags. Watch later. Share.

Wiki - VGate

Region wand¶. the region wand lists all regions in a certain location. it a regular minecraft item that can be right clicked on blocks.

Global region worldguard

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User friendly interface for users that prefer a menu rather than typing lenghty commands. Easily define regions in your world. Set custom flags on defined regions that allow/restrict certain actions and events. Delete/Modify already defined regions. Ok so imma say this again, I have not actually edited the worldguard config in any way other than setting time lock in a certain region, global region does not have time lock. But the world still stays at day time.